Is Life REALLY that Complex???

“Can an algorithm forecast the site of the next riot? In this accessible talk, Mathematician Hannah Fry shows how complex social behavior can be analyzed and perhaps predicted through apt analogies to natural phenomena, like the patterns of a leopard’s spots or the distribution of predators and prey in the wild.”

Exact Location of Memories Found


Written by Sebastian Anthony

“MIT researchers have shown, for the first time ever, that memories are stored in specific brain cells. By triggering a small cluster of neurons, the researchers were able to force the subject to recall a specific memory. By removing these neurons, the subject would lose that memory.

As you can imagine, the trick here is activating individual neurons, which are incredibly small and not really the kind of thing you can attach electrodes to. To do this, the researchers used optogenetics, a bleeding edge sphere of science that involves the genetic manipulation of cells so that they’re sensitive to light. These modified cells are then triggered using lasers; you drill a hole through the subject’s skull and point the laser at a small cluster of neurons.

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Spider Lives Underwater….in Air Bubbles…..That It Brings from the Surface…..Interesting….and….Creepy

As some of you may know from a previous article, spiders are not my favorite thing. However, this spider deserves a certain level of respect after witnessing it’s living habits. I’m not sure if I’ll be hanging out with them anytime soon….but for now……good job spiders.

Do any of you remember playing Sonic the Hedgehog? Remember in the water levels when you had to grab the air bubbles to breathe? That’s the first thing I thought of when I saw this video…well besides now I have to look out for underwater demon spawns.

Extreme Close Ups of the Human Eye…A lot of them….Very Interesting…Very Strange…

(Found here)

These amazing images were shot by Suren Manvelyan. You can check out his portfolio here.

I had a hard time believing these were real at first. 

Floods Cause HUGE Spider Webs Across Australia

I’m not a huge fan of spiders, although I can say my fear has subsided with age. However, webs as big as these easily bring me back to my spider fearing days.

Recent flooding in Australia has caused this strange phenomenon which is apparently due to spiders looking for safe land away from the flood. The town, interestingly named Wagga Wagga, has not seen a flood of this magnitude in 150 years.

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Naturally Grown Rainbow Roses

“As petals get their nourishment through stem, the idea is to split the stem into several channels and dip each one in a different colored water. This way all the colors will be drawn by the stem into petals and resultant rose will have all the colors in it. You can use the same idea to color any flower, anyway you like.”

– Jawad Masood on

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Amazing Places!

These are some “Amazing places to experience around the globe” by

I hope you and I both get to experience these one day.

Skaftafeli (National Park) in Iceland

Multnomah Falls, Oregon

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Oldest Living Organism Discovered! 200,000 Years Old!

Read Entire article here on

Australian scientists sequenced the DNA of giant seagrass, named Posidonia oceanic, from 40 underwater meadows in an area spanning more than 2,000 miles, from Spain to Cyprus.

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